Leadership Matters

Perspectives on the key issues impacting senior leaders and their organizations
  • MWC 2017: Five Things Leaders Need to Know

    By The Technology, Media & Telecommunications Practice | March 8, 2017

    Key takeaways from our conversations with senior leaders across industries at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on what the latest mobile trends will mean for their organizations and talent strategies.

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  • Our Takeaways from RSA 2017

    By Michael Dickstein, Bernhard Kickenweiz | February 27, 2017

    We talked with CISOs and industry leaders at this year's RSA Conference about the elevation of cybersecurity as a board issue and what that means for senior leaders and solutions providers.

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  • CES 2017: Top Five Takeaways for Leaders

    January 11, 2017

    Walking the floor at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) can be an inspiring and, at times, overwhelming experience. The sheer level of innovation is astounding and deciding what “next big thing” your organization should focus on can be challenging. During CES 2017, we had in-depth discussions with executives across industries about which specific trends will have the biggest impact on their organizations and leadership in the year ahead.

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  • What Women and Organizations Can Do to Close the Tech Gender Gap

    By Christina Coplen, Katie M. Tucker | November 2, 2016

    Recommendations for how female candidates should approach opportunities and how companies can encourage the hiring and promotion of women in technology leadership roles.

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